Guidet fishing trips

One of the best location of coastal fishing in Denmark are at Kattegat Sea, where our campsite is situated. 

Kattegat Coast Cup 2nd and 3rd August 2025

Denmark's largest fishing competition from coast is around Sæby Harbor and Frederikshavn Harbor.

You could win in as many as 10 categories and you will get free access to Hedebo Strand Camping's pool and minigolf as a participant in the competition. Frederikshavn Angling Association conducts this exciting fishing competition for the whole family and for hardcore anglers from the coast. Write or call her on +4540269010 to learn more about the competition. 

Fishing sea trout from the coast

The 2 best coastal locations for sea trout fishing near our campsite are Guldkysten (Gold Coast) and Rugholmen further north. The Gold Coast begins 1 km north of Hedebo Strand Camping and about 1 km south of Frederikshavn Marina. A nearly 3.5 km coast that stretches from the end of the nature protection belt in Sulbæk to the beginning of the nature protection belt in Bangsbo.

Fishing on the Gold Coast

From the campsite you can easily reach the starting point for the Gold Coast via the beach. If you start from the street, Måensvej, you will pass the Sulbæk protection belt. The further north you go, the more plants and stones are in the water near the land. Here the trout can hunt and hide. Waders on the Gold Coast are recommended.

Sea trout from Rugholmen

Rugholmen consists of a larger stone reef north of Strandby harbor. There are approx. 100 m stone reefs, many seaweed zones and large stones for fishing. It is mainly from the outer edge of the reef and with long line throws you can catch sea trout. Here we recommend wading boots or waders.

What can and may you fish

It's not just sea trout, you can catch from our 2 coastal locations. Summer and late summer also offer the opportunity to catch horn fish, mackerel and sea bass. Preferably in the evening and at dusk with the latter two species.

Remember that there are two protective belts on the Gold Coast. These are all year round, so regardless of the season, you are not allowed to fish within the nature protection belt. Follow the link to the Danish Fisheries Agency here... and see where the protection belts begin and end.

Fish species Gold Coast and Rugholmen

Sea trout: From around mid-spring, summer to mid-autumn. In Rugholmen, most sea trouts are caught early in the morning and late in the evening, but high tide or cloudy weather can also be good at any time. The Gold Coast can be just as rewarding from morning to night - regardless of the weather. Methods: Sea trout can be caught using lure and coastal wobblers. Fly fishing can also be very effective. However, there are days when the trouts are 30-100 m from the shore.

Mackerel: The mackerels usually arrive in the Kattegat in late summer. If the summer starts early e.g. May with high temperatures, the first mackerels arrive in June. Methods: The mackerels can be caught with lure and coastal wobblers. But since they are far out in this area, you have to be able to throw the line 30-70 m.

Horn fish: From the beginning of May, there are hornfish everywhere on the two coastal areas. Methods: Horn fish can be fished with lure, fly, coastal wobblers or with pieces of herring, sprats or sand eels on a kork.

Sea bass: The sea bass are usually caught accidentally at both coasts. Late summer is the high season for the delicious and beautiful sea bass. Methods: Lure in silver, silver / blue or fly in the same colors are clearly preferred. The sea bass are often 30-100 m from the shore or reef. However, at dusk they can be caught very close to land.

Parking at the two coasts